Shipping Status
Shipping Status
Every order has a shipping status indicated by the shipping status icon. The shipping status is automatically updated as items are marked as shipped through the creation of a packing-note slip.
The sales list can be filtered by shipping status to find orders still awaiting shipments.
- No icon: No items shipped
- Number in icon: some items shipped
- Icon: All items shipped
Shipping workflow
There are a few stages leading to shipping, but stages can be skipped to fit business operations:
1. Allocation
This is the process of selecting items from an order to ship and choosing the warehouse or fulfilment house that will despatch those items.
2. Packing Note/ Despatch
This step can be automated, handled by your warehouse or manually managed. A packing note will be created the for the items that are being shipped and, if you use a warehouse, this will be sent as an instruction to the warehouse.Multiple packing notes can be created for a single order allowing for split shipments. However, packing notes can only be created for items that are allocated.
This is the final step and will complete the shipment. The items will be taken out of the stock and the order shipping status is updated. You are now able to print the packing note detailing the contents of the shipment.