Back Ordering
Back Orders for Sales
Back Order: A back order indicates that some items ordered by your customer have been delivered and other items will be shipped later.
As all orders in KhooSeller ‘pre-allocate’ stock, all orders are effectively ‘Back Orders’ and can be left unallocated or unshipped, until you wish to despatch your items.
KhooSeller allows multiple shipments per sales order, so physically moving items onto a separate order is only needed when a packing note is needed for just some of the items.
Back Ordering
Back Orders for Sales
Back Order: A back order indicates that some items ordered by your customer have been delivered and other items will be shipped later.
As all orders in KhooSeller ‘pre-allocate’ stock, all orders are effectively ‘Back Orders’ and can be left unallocated or unshipped, until you wish to despatch your items.
KhooSeller allows multiple shipments per sales order, so physically moving items onto a separate order is only needed when a packing note is needed for just some of the items.